Saturday, May 24, 2008

First Things First

So I have been wanting to begin a new house blog but have been so busy with all that moving business that it is long overdue. Tiffany suggested using this host space, so here goes! We shall see!
Here's what has been happening: exasperated by rent and pet deposits, I decided it was time to buy! After a somewhat depressing search, I was getting out of the car with my realtor (the fabulous Kay Quigley from Jenny Pruitt Realtors, thanks for the ref Nicki) and checking out a substandard property. The house we were there to see was not up to par, but the house across the STREET was by far! Like a chicken, I crossed the road, grabbed a shiny flyer, and fell in love. Several weeks later, I had a set of keys in my hands and a lot of signing to do! I plan to update this space with all the changes and fun things (frogs in the pool) that come up as part of the whole new homeowner experience. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Sunny said...

Beutiful!! Is this Atlanta????
Looks a LOT like Greenville SC which is close to me.

Someday I hope to have a house as ultimate dream!!!!

Good luck!!