Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Savannah To The Rescue!

My friend Michelle's chocolate lab Savannah went swimming this weekend, so I thought I might add some fun photos from that. She seemed concerned that I was drowning, as every time I'd go underwater, she'd leap in and paddle out to me, When I resurfaced, she's turn around and paddle back. Good to know we have a lifeguard here at Unicorn Villa. (Did I mention that's what we're calling the house? A story for another time.)


Anna Banana said...

YAY!!! Hopefully she will be standing by when I leap in to the pool wearing my strongman suit! =) XOXO

Sunny said...

I thought I was the only normal(meaning NOT RICH NOR FAMOUS) person to name her residences.
So Far in the past 15 years I have had a residence named "Windswept II",
"Victoria's Secret Apartment" And "The Guest-House".

Great minds and all that......

Sunny said...

Waiting patiently for the next post!!!
You must be enjoying that new pool to much to blog.....and i don't blame ya!!