Thursday, July 17, 2008

Chandelier Creative

Ok I've been off for a few days working but now I want to share something I've been wanting to do for a while: a cabana chandelier! It's hard to get a good picture- I'm no Patrick Williams but I tried.

I happened in Urban Outfitters of all places yesterday and have been looking for a plastic chandelier of sorts for outdoors. I didn't want anything that was really valuable for obvious reasons but also glass (or crystal) by the pool can't be a good idea. I spotted this interesting creation near the sale section and it was $48.99 marked down to $19! I made them take it down as they didn't have any others besides what was hanging and what do you know, when we rang up it was actually $9.99! I was so excited! The perfect cabana chandelier for under $10, don't you think? Operation Backyard Boutique Hotel continues!


angel williams said...

the chandelier is perfection..and a bargain, say it isn't so! love the shout out to PW, hehe!

Sunny said...

That happens quite often to me when I buy stuff on sale.

(Another trick I learned was that if you go JUST before closing ime(like 15 minutes) and find something you really want- if it's not on sale sometimes if you ask the manager for a discount he'll give it to you.

Sometimes it works- sometimes not- but it's ALWAYS worth the try if it does!